Conference deadlines, requirements, and other particulars

Conference languages Lithuanian, English

The duration of a presentation is up to 15 minutes



What?DeadlineHow?The Requirements
Listeners’ registrationUntil 24/04/2024Registration form-
Submission of the abstracts of presentationsUntil 11/04/2024Send by email forumofideas@go.kauko.ltAbstract Template
Submission of peer-reviewed articlesUntil 03/05/2024Send by email forumofideas@go.kauko.ltAuthor's guarantee form

Requirements for the reviewed articles
Submission of personal and group exhibitions
in video or other e-formats
Until 12/04/2024Send by email aine.jacyte@go.kauko.ltRequirements for a personal or joint exhibition

Conference Logo
Submission of the photographs of works of artsUntil 12/04/2024Send by email
(Fine and Applied Arts)
Requirements for photographs of personal works of art